We are preparing as Khiarah hits her 6th month of life. Just like any other babies, she is ready to start her first solid food. Before anything else, we decided to see Dr. Cecilia Go of Davao Doctors Hospital for feeding consultation. She gave us a guideline (or should we say, a “baby recipe”) for her meal preparation, and here are the ingredients:

1 oz of Breastmilk/Formula
2 Tbsp of Cerelac
* Mix the ingredients until thin.
* Feed once daily for the first week.
* Feed twice daily for the second week, then start feeding 3x a day for the 3rd week and onwards.
As you can see in the picture above, the mixture is thin, enough for starters to swallow.

Khiarah’s experience today has been exciting for both of us, she could almost grab the spoon from me and feed herself.
Based on what I’ve read from other articles, start with a single ingredient first and follow the 4-day rule. If there’s no allergic reaction, then you can proceed with another type of food.
I’ve also read about Baby Led Weaning. At this age, Khiarah might not be ready for it so we’re taking things slowly and start with cereals. As a mother, you’ll be the one to gauge your child and follow your instinct.
So how was your baby’s first solid experience?